
Bukayo recipe

  • 3 cups mature coconut, shredded
  • 1½ cups dark brown sugar
  • ½ cup mascovado sugar
  • 2 tbsp coconut juice or water
  • 2 tsp. calamansi juice (optional)
  • Banana leaves, greased with oil

  1. Mix dark brown sugar, mascovado and coconut juice or water in a saucepan and bring to a simmer over the lowest heat possible for 1 minute until the sugar becomes watery and almost dissolve.
  2. Add mature coconut strings and calamansi juice, if using. Stir the coconut mixture to coat with sugar evenly, then cook for about 15 minutes or until the syrup thickens and reach caramelization point. You know your Bukayo is done when it is sticky enough to hold its shape.
  3. Fire off, let it cool slightly, then transfer into a greased banana leaf. Form the mixture into a flat circle, repeat until you’re done and set aside to dry. When it’s completely dry, it is ready to be served and enjoy.
To store the bukayo you can either place in a jar, an airtight plastic container or you can individually wrap in plastic and tie it with a ribbon. A sweet treat, so appealing and very affordable giveaways for kids at parties.

Source : pingdesserts.com

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